Services for ages 3 years to 19 years
- Assessment (developmental and neuropsychological only)
- Bilingual assessment (Spanish)
- Developmental Assessment
- Consultation
- Cognitive Rehabilitation
- Concussion Baselines, Assessment, and Monitoring
- Baseline Assessment for Pre- and Post-Stem Cell Treatment Monitoring
- SPECIALTIES: kids struggling after head injury; Spanish-speaking families; children with seizure disorders; autism spectrum disorders; building skills (executive functioning and Theory of Mind)
Services for 6 years to 19 years
- Teacher Training
- Behavioral Observation/Behavior Management Support
- Group Skill Set Training (Zones of Regulation, Social Thinking, Superflex)
Services for ages 6 years to 19 years
- Psychoeducational Assessment
- Neuropsychological Assessment
- Psychological Assessment
- Support to develop education and behavior plans, school consultation
- SPECIALTIES: kids battling anxiety; complex learning differences; things that impact learning and school success (attention, behavior, attention, executive functioning); helping families thrive through struggles
Services for ages 4 years to 19 years
- Neuropsychological Assessment
- Psychoeducational and Readiness Assessment (preschool/kindergarten)
- Educational and Intervention Planning Consultation
- Teacher Training
- Professional Development
- Supervision (post-doctoral: assessment only)
- Concussion Baselines, Assessment, and Monitoring
- Baseline Assessment for Pre- and Post-Stem Cell Treatment Monitoring
- SPECIALTIES: complex cases that include a little bit of a lot of concerns; bright kids who struggle to learn; differential assessment of learning, attention, and mood struggles; teens preparing for life in and after high school; children and teens with a history of head injury/neurological diagnoses
Services for 5 years to 19 years
- Neuropsychological Assessment
- Psychological Assessment
- Psychoeducational Assessment
- Preschool and Kindergarten Readiness Assessment
- Consultation
- SPECIALTIES: kids with mood symptoms (big emotions); complex learning struggles; helping parents understand their child's strengths and weaknesses; differential diagnosis of personality and mood disorders in teens
Jennifer Morrison, Ph.D., L.S.S.P.
Licensed Psychologist-Health Service Provider
Licensed Specialist in School Psychology
Kathryn (Kathy) Kurzman, MSc
Academic Executive Function Coach
Independent Educational Consultant
Service Provider Kids BRAIN, LLC
Services for 24 to 36 month olds (Spanish and English)
- Consultation
- Screening
- Autism Evaluation
Lee M. Fisher, M.S., L.P.A.
Licensed Psychological Associate-Independent Practice
Service Provider Kids BRAIN, LLC
Marivelisse Rodriguez-Rivera, Psy.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Service Provider Kids BRAIN, LLC
Services offered (virtual only)
- Academic Executive Function Coaching (ages 12 to college age)
- College Advising
- Parent Training
- Teacher/Staff Training
- SPECIALTIES: bright teens and young adults who struggle to plan and organize; teens who have a hard time with independence; helping parents build resilient and capable teens and young adults
Kathryn (Katy) Caldwell, Ph.D., L.S.S.P.
Licensed Psychologist
Licensed Specialist in School Psychology
Service Provider Kids BRAIN, LLC
Catherine Harris, L.S.S.P., L.P.A.-I.
Licensed Specialist in School Psychology
Licensed Psychological Associate-Independent Practice
Service Provider Kids BRAIN, LLC
Services for birth to 5 years
- Consultation
- Parent Training
- Autism Evaluation
- Developmental Assessment
- Preschool and Kindergarten Readiness Assessment
- SPECIALTIES: babies, toddlers, and preschoolers; behavior issues and ways to help parents; skill set development (social thinking, emotional regulation); ways to optimize a child's development from birth through age 5